Our History

Founded in 2007 as a “crazy challenge” launched by the five founding partners to prove to themselves and the world of services that it was possible to do business differently from what the market offered, Avuelle aimed from the start to create a reality that was particular in its actions and in the way it interpreted work.

Two cornerstones have always guided our intervention strategy: competence and the pleasure of working together. Underlying our work is a continuous quest for technical upgrading and cost optimization to offer our clients new opportunities and technological solutions. At the same time, it is crucial for us that the relationships and business dynamics are peaceful and pleasant, thanks to the opinion of each of the staff members also matters.

Since its beginnings, Avuelle has worked with the aim of creating harmony in its team and continuous synergy with clients, with the purpose of accompanying and supporting them in the design and implementation of events, installations and performances. “Impossible challenges” are the ones that attract us the most, throwing ourselves “body and soul” into the most complex projects and turning them into reality, thanks in part to the creation of prototypes and the search for the most appropriate and winning solutions.

After two pandemic years we look to the future with renewed enthusiasm and optimism, aiming to strengthen both the Italian and foreign markets; in parallel with what is already structured in our “dreams” and “visions,” we aim to create new realities and diversify our skills in the field of digital and content creation so that we can offer our clients an increasingly comprehensive 360-degree service.

Our Reach

During these fifteen years, the opportunities, works and experiences have led us to collaborate with major Fashion Companies, Architecture and FashionDesign studios, Foundations of various kinds and we have become Suppliers of Event Organizing Companies such as Pitti Immagine, Stazione Leopolda and Venice Biennale. Open to any kind of business opportunity, especially on the International Market, in recent years Avuelle has carried out projects in China, Brazil, Hong Kong, Dubai and several European states.